La Tunisie dans le top 10 des pays à visiter selon Cassandra de Pecol

Le Telegraph a publié un article relatif aux pays absolument à visiter selon Cassandra de Pecol.

La Tunisie dans le top 10 des pays à visiter selon Cassandra de Pecol

À 27 ans, l’américaine Cassandra de Pecol vient de faire le tour du monde. Etant la femme qui a visité tous les pays du monde le plus rapidement possible, cette jeune aventurière fait parler d’elle partout dans le monde. Pendant 15 mois, Cassandra a visité les 193 nations du monde, en passant entre 2 et 5 jours par pays.

Selon elle le top 10 des pays à visiter sont dans l'ordre la Mongolie, Bhutan, les Maldives, Vanautu, Pakistan, Oman, Tunisie, Peru, Costa Rica et les USA.

Pour la Tunisie elle la conseille pour faire l'experience de la Culture nord africiaine et pour sentir l'immensité de l'histoire archéologique. ( "To experience northern African culture with an Middle Eastern feel and an immense amount of archaeological history." )

Cassia rajoute que Sidi Bousaid l'avait impressionné "blew me away".

Ci-joint les photos lors de son passage par Tunis...





We can secure other people’s approval if we do right and try hard; but our own is worth a hundred of it, and no way has been found out of securing that. - Mark Twain • • • يمكننا الحصول على موافقة الشعب الاخرى اذا الحق تجتهد; الا ان حكومتنا تساوى مئات ولا التوصل الى ضمان ذلك. • • • #SIDIBOUSAID blew me away :) #Expedition196 #PeaceThroughTourism #EveryCountryInTheWorld #Tunisia

Une photo publiée par ᶜᴬˢˢᴬᴺᴰᴿᴬ á´°á´± ᴾᴱᶜᴼᴸ (@expedition_196) le



Being a traveler who likes to venture into countries with no preconceptions and an open mind, I'll admit that I was a little nervous about going to a place that's experienced as much turmoil as France and Lebanon in the past several months, just based off of the news. I knew nothing about Tunisia, other than it being a country in North Africa, and I wanted to keep it that way, hoping that I'd learn more about its beauty and history from the local people and a pair of open eyes. I chose to go two days without internet in order to fully immerse myself in the way of life here. I boarded a 14 hour ferry with Italians and Tunisians who either spoke Italian, French or Arabic. Upon disembarking, I was alone in the streets of #Tunis, not knowing the language and on a whole new continent. But I had confidence in myself and trust in the goodness of the people. • • • Tunisia has made it to my top 5 favorite countries I've ever been to. It blew me away with its beauty, allure, kind-hearted and helpful people and safety factor being a woman traveling alone. I felt 100% comfortable here. Tourism is really hurting here after the recent ISIS attacks, but despite this, people need not be afraid of traveling to these countries based off what they hear on the news. Fear is something I'm leaving at the door from here on out. • • • #Expedition196 #PeaceThroughTourism #EveryCountryInTheWorld #Tunisia

Une photo publiée par ᶜᴬˢˢᴬᴺᴰᴿᴬ á´°á´± ᴾᴱᶜᴼᴸ (@expedition_196) le